
Digital Courses

Here is where you can find online courses that can help you majorly bust through in turning your passion project into profit.

My goal is to make support accessible to you! These courses are done completely online, giving you access to the tools you need to create a life  and business you are absolutely in love with. So come join me and learn on your own terms. Take these courses with you to a coffee shop, to the mountains or your living room floor. These courses go with you!

Any questions about these courses?

Email me at [email protected] and we can chat!

Can't wait to hold your hand and kick your butt through this journey,

much love,



Passion To Paycheck

Perfect for the babes who are done with the 9-5 grind and ready to build their dream business. This course helps you to get clear on your passion and build it into a sustainable online business.

During this 6 week course you learn the tools I utilize in my business daily, how I got started online, how I built a successful brand and I give you access to top experts from all different walks of life who are killin it on the online space.

This course is for bossbabes who are done with the excuses and ready to take their business full time.

Click Here To Learn More...

Felicia watson

Brand To Bank Masterclass

In this class I take you through how to build a brand that converts to cash money! I know you want to be successful & make a business that creates some serious impact in this world, but the truth is, it all starts with your brand. This doesn't mean you have to be someone you're not. It's the opposite actually, the more unique you are, the more people love you.

The more people love you. The more people buy from you.

Click to Learn More...

Money Love 101

Money Love 101

This course helps you dive deep into your money beliefs, allowing you to increase your earning potential and ditch the guilt.

Money is such an emotional topic for most of us and it it my goal to teach you the tools you need to turn anxiety into enjoyment when it comes to your bank account.

Learn how to earn and what might be holding you back from success!

Click Here To Learn More...