In this program we focus on consent in how we share, behave, create and consume on social media.
Social media consent is a topic wildly discussed in terms of how we protect privacy online. I have taken this concept from how you may have heard it spoke about or even how you may see it come up when you google Social Media Consent - and expanded it to encompass how we choose to consume / engage on our platform.
I truly believe that creators need more support, especially when they are the face of their brand and business.
You might love it here if your current focus is on...
A strong, vibrant digital presence that honours you & the humans who consent to being in your space.
Sustainable confidence in your work, your messaging, your scope and how you communicate your brilliance online.
An open dialogue about harmful leadership & marketing tactics and tools/skills to support your clients/followers through a more nuanced lens.
A keen recognition of when community engagement and effective marketing turns into control tactics with cult-like intentions.
This might not be for you if:
Right now you are prioritizing quick cash infusions & rapid follower growth over the delivery of your work as a leader in the online space. If you’re not ready to look at your work through a consensual lens, I would recommend finding an alternative program for you.
If the discussion or topic of consent makes you uncomfortable or feel unsafe in your body.
I want to be clear that this is also not social media "growth course". It will not focus on how to grow your exposure online but instead on how to interact and engage when your exposure is high or when you get unsolicited feedback on your platform.
Though there has been a positive impact on engagement, follower growth and profitable content from those who have previously gone through this content...
This is more of a "we need more support for the humans who put their face on the internet while they promote their work to financially support themselves and their families" kind of program.
This course is intended for you to redefine your social media to be a full expression of who you are and what you stand for - whether you have 2 followers or 2 million.
You'll walk away with:
Practical steps to infuse into how you create, consume, and market on social media (these look like...)
- What we choose to consume and how we choose to interact with social media.
- How it affects our energy/emotions/thoughts.
- How we can best protect our peace while engaging in all the fun of having connection to our audience at our finger tips.
- Navigating comparison, fear, curiosity and Idolization of others online.
- Learning what we need and how we use social media in a supportive way for our lives.
- How we can take ownership over what we share, how we share it and how we protect our corner of the internet.
- How to repair/own up when we mess up (which is inevitable so let's chat about how we can do that within a supportive container with people who get what it's like to share themselves online).
- How to honour our own peace and mental health when topics get outside of our scope.
- How to protect our privacy and share in a sustainable way when it comes to our personal lives.
- What it looks like to stand in how we use our social media platforms (even if people don't get it).
- What it looks like to market with informed consent at the forefront when sharing stories, selling our work or showcasing people in our lives online.
- How to share testimonials, kind words and our process of sharing our work without breeching the confidentiality or consent of those we work with.
- How to create consensual containers of understanding - this looks like shared language, boundaries and topics both parties agree to engage with.
- Leading with Integrity, Clear communication, Ownership, Nuance, Intention, Capacity & Consent - within our marketing and how we interact on social media.
Please note that this is a big topic with lots of nuances we must unpack and customize to each of our experiences. This will be a small container with high support and thorough educational aspects which will be reflected in the price of the program. If you have questions or need support please email me at [email protected]
- PRE-RECORDED SECTIONS: Over 11 bite-sized (less than 30 mins) pre-recorded videos to explore topics around Social Media Consent to go through at your own pace
- LIVE SESSIONS: We will have 3 live sessions within or close to within the 6 weeks (please note these sessions will be 1 hour to 1.5 hours per session depending on Q&A length and attendance, for replay/recording info check the FAQ at the bottom).
- COMMUNITY CONTAINER: A community support container will be provided during the duration of the program and will be likely on facebook or discord for easy accessibility. If you have questions regarding this please email me at [email protected].
- CONTINUED ACCESS & UPDATES: Once you have access and if your payments are in good standing, you will have continued access as well as access to all additions in the future rounds of SOCIAL MEDIA CONSENT.
- ACCESSIBILITY: Please see FAQ at the bottom of the page for accessibility info! If you have any questions about this please feel free to email me at [email protected].
What Is the community container?
The intention behind this community container is to practice consensual community standards in a space where everyone is working on consent, capacity, and confidence in their own way, with their own hurdles and their own flavour!
Connect with other humans who are infusing the work into their own practice,
Work through things in a community-based container,
Be around humans with a different lived experience and perspective as you,
Learn from others and allow for in-depth conversations that expand us past the work within the actual course!
When you're working on consensual practices that actually honour your humanity, it's beneficial to practice these skills in a container with other humans.
This is a great opportunity to allow yourself to build the necessary tools you need to implement these in your day-to-day life by practicing in a container where everyone has the same intention. To create healthy and consensual communities!

(Frequently Asked Questions)
When are the live calls?
The schedule of the live calls will be decided within the community container after enrolment to honour the timezones within the program. We will put it to a vote and though we will take into consideration the capacity/schedules of those in the program, the final say will be influenced by my personal capacity as the facilitator and when I can give the highest quality support I have promised.
Will this program be capped at a certain number of people?
YES! If I feel as though I do not have the capacity to provide the quality of support I have laid out on this page, I will close enrolment prior to the end of the launch. This program can hold between 1-30 people without breeching the integrity of the support that has been communicated on this page.
Will There be a replay of the live calls?
I do not record Q&A sections of my calls as not to breech confidentiality of those involved. I am open to recorded educational or conversational aspects of these calls to submit to the community container as a "replay". I will also email out a "commonly asked Q's" that dictate what we spoke about anonymously and while protecting the integrity of the call, as well as the privacy of it's attendees.
What are the expectations on the live calls?
Feel free to bring snacks, coffee, go to the bathroom (please mute yourself and camera off lol) and snuggle pets or children as needed. This will be education based with conversation sprinkled in. As opposed to a workshop, this will be a more spacious call with a more casual aspect to it. Be ready to learn new info and participate in a collaborative space as your capacity allows. You may come with camera off and participate as desired.
My intention is to upload any replays to youtube so you have caption accessibility as well as speeding me up/slowing me down. If we discuss any highlighted topics I will submit a written "spark notes" style note to our community container. The videos and pre-recorded lectures do not have transcripts but they do have captions on the videos as well as summaries written beside them for easy navigation. If I choose to do a presentation style (as in powerpoint) for any of the live calls I will include that as well in a follow up email for you to keep and refer back to.